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Does God Hate the sin and not the sinner?

The question of late that is asked is simply this:  Does God hate the sin and not the sinner?

To answer this, I believe, requires something deeper than the question itself.

Jesus demonstrates love for the sinner while alive by sharing a meal with them, but that was in order that they would repent.  John 3:16 gives a classic picture of God loving sinners when He declared, “For God so loved the world…” 

Conversely, God is very clear in His judgment of sinners.  I believe the cross is evidence that God loves sinners and the final judgment is evidence that those who remain in their sin will not be judged separate from their sin.

If I look at the final outcome, God “hating the sin and not the sinner” is not feasible. God doesn’t distinguish between them in His final judgment.

However, He longs for all to repent and loves them enough to make a way through His Son in order for us to do so.  Scripture declares that God wishes that none should perish but people willingly choose death.

Because the original question is not clear enough, a legalist will focus on the judgment of God towards sin where a liberalist will focus on God’s love despite their sin and I think both are wrong.  Both God’s love and God’s wrath are necessary for genuine righteousness and God upholds both love and wrath because He is righteous.  I am glad God loves the sinner, because it was the means by which He could love me and love you and everyone else, so much so that He pays the price for His grace and mercy in order that we would not experience His wrath.

God both loves the sinner and hates the sinner.  The cross is a great picture of this truth.  The cross is a horrific way to die and in Christ, God’s wrath against sin is satisfied, yet at the same time, the length that God goes to in order to demonstrate His love is just as great. All of His attributes make sense when we consider God’s plan of salvation.  The ultimate love of God saves repentant sinners and God’s wrath is at the same time, poured out on those who ultimately choose their sin over grace.

God “hating the sin and not the sinner” is such a simplistic statement that it cannot describe the depth of God’s character.

A Few Verses to demonstrate these facts in Scripture.

2 Peter 3:9  The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Psalm 5:4 For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you. 5 The boastful shall not stand before your eyes; you hate all evildoers.

Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

In the end, God is righteous and that is our comfort.  It is why we can trust His promises.  As God stands for what is right and what is good and punishes evil, all of His attributes are expressed in full from the God of the universe who loves more than we ever could and His wrath is evidence of His righteousness and we rest knowing that God is good and will do all things well.