Isaiah 61:11 “For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations.”
After the long, dark, cold, and gloomy season, we begin seeing signs of new life. The trees start to bud, flowers are blooming, the grass is greener, and the birds are chirping. It’s a new beginning. Spring is finally here. It is the best time to see God’s handiwork. As I was driving to work one day, I was thanking God for this beautiful season of renewal.
What I love most about this time of year is planning my garden. What will I plant? What seeds will I sow? I was asking myself these questions as I drove to work, and then it hit me. God is trying to tell me something. He reminded me of all He has done and all I should be doing.
As I was deciding what to plant in my garden, I thought of the comparison between sowing vegetable seeds and sowing seeds for the Gospel. Finishing up my devotion, I did not like what I had written. It sounded more like any typical Christian devotion with tons of churchy words and phrases. I deleted half of it and decided to include something that happened just the other day.
My daughter came and told me something amazing! It was kind of an “aha” moment that brought me to tears. She said she was telling her childhood friend of the change she’s seen in my husband and me. This friend lived with us briefly and is like another one of our children. She knows how we were before we started following Jesus, and she sees the difference in us now. My daughter told her how we have immersed ourselves into the church and serving others and how much happier we are. She recognized the change from our old selfish, destructive behaviors, and sees now our desire to help, love, and be kind to those around us. She sees us living out what we believe, and at that moment, I realized the seeds we plant are by our example. And the best part, she is telling others about it.
Without Christ in us, she would not have recognized the change. All the Glory belongs to Him!
God has called us to be sowers. We sow seeds by showing love to those around us by serving at church and helping those in need. Jesus set the example, and we are called to follow it.
2 Corinthians 9:6 “… whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”