Revival – Returning to Prayer & Anguish – Week 3

Why do we not see revival today? It’s not for a lack of Christian perfection. Revival comes because people are surrendered. Pastor David Ashworth preaches on the need for prayerfully seeking after God and the heartbreak the must necessarily accompany a prayer life that sees the hearts of men and the world just as God sees it. A heart after God’s heart will be one that is in anguish.

Prayer List:

  • Pray for the forgiveness of our own sins
  • Pray for our generations to return to Christ
  • Pray for our children who are being led away from Him
  • Pray for our own hearts; that we would turn to Him
  • Pray for God’s Church; that we would forsake all else to preach Christ crucified
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to burden us for His Gospel

